1.1 Click on the Catalog menu and then on “Departments”:
1.2 On the departments page, you can edit, delete or create a new one. Choosing to create or edit will give you all the department settings divided into tabs:
2. Data for registration:
2.1 The tabs to be edited are:
Department – name of the department.
Description – an explanation about the department, helps with the SEO of the store.
Meta title – copy the name of the department and paste it into this field.
Meta description – copy the description and paste it into this field.
Meta keywords – here in this field you can add keywords related to the department.
Main department – if the department is a sub-department, you can select a parent department in this field.
Filters (optional) – in this field you can add filters related to the department.
Image (optional) – choose an image to highlight in the category.
Display at top? (optional) – if you want the department to appear first in the menu, leave this option selected.
Situation – this option is for disabling or enabling the department in the store.